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The Platinum Level below gives you access all our PREMIUM content from the Members Drop-down Menu, offering an easy PayPal payment option, plus $3 trial option for 3 days.


Platinum Membership $3 for a 3-DAY TRIAL then billed $19.95 Monthly or CANCEL before trial expires: Indulge in the ultimate Heroic Femmes experience with recurring monthly access to all our membership plans. Explore our private viewing and download area with unlimited freedom, featuring 3-5 enhanced videos per week and our existing uploads. Delve into the captivating world of heroines and villains at a fraction of the cost compared of other site options. Join the elite and become part of our exclusive community today.

Remember that MEMBERS get access to ENHANCED/UPSCALED content that in most cases you won’t find elsewhere.

A lot of ‘free’ Superheroine content on the Net is only available in low 720p which isn’t worth watching, let alone downloading!

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